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News, trust, and “truthiness”!

Most of my classmates agree that satirical news reporting is more or equally reliable as traditional news reporting.

Kaitlin says that while satirical news reporting is comedic by nature it informs people.

“These satire shows sometimes mock the news event to bring awareness to it. Though they are mocking and criticizing these events, they also can be very informative and don’t necessarily hide or sugar coat facts to their viewers.”  (http://kaitlinsanderson.wordpress.com/)

Satirical news reporting can be a great way to inform people. Even though you’re laughing you also start to think about what is being presented. You become aware of what’s happening and form ideas, opinions, and beliefs .

Ty says that satirical news reporting gives audiences the whole truth where as traditional news reporting only gives something that is partially true.

“Rick Mercer is famous for his witty humor and fast remarks about Politian’s on his TV show, but that’s only half the reason people love him, the second half is the fact the he brings out the truth about untouched areas in parliament and isn’t afraid to rip on Politian’s if they do something wrong. Where as in the actual news, reporters avoid this due to the fear of being fired or because they were told not to.” (http://tykeca.wordpress.com/)

The validity of traditional news reporting is sometimes put into question. Reading this quote reminded me of what Professor Bradley said about war journalists. That in an effort to stop the negative press concerning the war, journalists where handpicked by the government and were only allowed to accompany select units on the battlefield. The journalists selected where mostly young adults and therefore were easily manipulated. Since they were only allowed to see certain parts of the conflict their view was biased and did not fully represent the whole truth.


 (A+ for listening in class?)

Allison’s blog entry talks about how satirical news reporting is just as valid as traditional news reporting. She says that traditional news and satirical news have the same goals but appeal to different audiences.

“Global News and Saturday Night Live have more in common than you think. Despite the fact that the nightly news has a generally older audience, and SNL’s demographic are young adults” (http://allisonsparham.wordpress.com/)

“Although SNL is watched mainly for the humor, the political and societal sections such as ‘Weekend Update’ affect its viewers more than they realize.” (http://allisonsparham.wordpress.com/)

I agree with her both forms of news reporting have similar goals. They both want to raise the awareness of the general public. The only difference is that satirical news reporting incorporates wit and humor when presenting the news. This allows satirical news to appeal towards a younger audience and essentially draw in people who normally would not watch the news.

Satirical news reporting is just as valid as traditional news reporting. Satirical news connects more towards a younger audience and traditional news reporting connects to an older audience. As I said in my previous entry both have their advantages and disadvantages. The validity of traditional news reporting can be put into question and making something controversial can widen its appeal. Both forms of news reporting inform the general public. Overall I think satirical news reporting is beneficial to the public sphere. The broad appeal of satirical news ensures that more people are informed. The more people are informed and aware the better society will become.

Since this is my last post as a way of saying thank you to everyone who read my blog here’s a picture of a cake with hearts inside.


Fun Fact: In 17th century England people believed that if you sleep with a fruit cake underneath your pillow you’ll dream about your special someone. ❤

Check out these awesome blogs!

Kaitlin: http://kaitlinsanderson.wordpress.com

Ty: http://tykeca.wordpress.com/

Allison: http://allisonsparham.wordpress.com/





Is the fake news the real news?!

Shows like The Daily Show and The Rick Mercer Report use humor and wit to not only present the news but to challenge messages found in the media. In a way satirical news reporting can be seen as a form of mainstream culture jamming. Like media activists they point out how the messages in the media can affect us.

“Culture jamming is understood as a mode of resistance to the norms and conventions of mass culture that exposes and opposes the media’s underlying power structures and ideological messages.” (O’Shaughnessy and Stadler, Media and Society, pg 213)

The main way satirical news acts as culture jammers is by encouraging social change. By using humor to critique what is presented in the media viewers are encouraged to think about how the media affects their lives.

“The objectives of culture jamming often include consciousness raising (raising awareness of social and political issues) as well as using the media to criticise the media and dominant culture.” (O’Shaughnessy and Stadler, Media and Society, pg 214)

I know the Rick Mercer Report likes to critique the Canadian Government. People who watch his critiques are not only entertained but more informed about Canadian politics. Increased awareness in political issues can only benefit society.  I recently watched a video of The Rick Mercer Report where he explained how the Canadian Government works. He explained all the different parties and systems involved. What I found particularly interesting was when he talked about Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper and the conservative party fabricated Canada’s financial situation and said that it was in great shape. However other members of parliament weren’t so sure about this claim. This caused him to lose the faith of the House of Commons. Without the faith of the House of Commons the dissolution of parliament was imminent. Fearful of losing job Stephen Harper told the truth and revealed that Canada was going to have an $87 billion dollar deficit. It’s kind of sad but I was never one to take interest in Canadian politics. Watching this video made me more informed. I found it really cool that the Canadian Government has a failsafe, that plans exist in case the Prime Minster would do or say anything stupid or out of line.

 If you want to watch the video click this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vqyfY7cZPk

I mentioned that I never paid too much attention into Canadian Politics. However shows like the Rick Mercer Report makes the news more accessible. Incorporating humor draws in a wider audience. This in turn increases awareness. People who don’t typically watch the news might respond better if humor was thrown in. I think that this is especially true in younger audiences.  Examples of satirical news that incorporates humor can be seen in news paper comics and cartoon strips. They usually make fun of current political and social issues. Below is a cartoon from the Toronto Star that shows how the antics of Toronto mayor Rob Ford have become the subject of many late night talk shows. The cartoon portrays him as a funny crack fairy but I also noticed how it incorporated recent accusations of alcoholism. Cartoons and comics are an easy form of media to recognize and understand. Putting political and social issues into cartoons allows them to reach a wider audience.


Like everything else satirical news has its place in the world. I really like how it acts as a mainstream culture jammer. However I don’t think that it should replace conventional news reporting. Both forms have advantages and disadvantages. Conventional news reporting collects news from all around the world and presents it to its audience. However the validity of their stories are sometimes put into question. Satirical news reporting critiques messages found in the media. However making something controversial can also make it more desirable (kind of like Miley Cyrus?). There is a place and time for both forms of news reporting.


Fun Fact: Miley Cyrus was originally named Destiny Hope Cyrus. The origin of the name Miley comes from her childhood nickname Smiley. She got this nickname because she used to smile all the time. 😀


O’Shaughnessy, M., Stadler, J. (2012). Media and Society, 5th ed. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.



Demonstrable demographics

The first blog I want to talk about is from Christian. His ad is from the new video game Call of Duty Ghosts. He used one of the many trailers released for the game. It shows four guys using guns, blowing stuff up, and meeting Megan Fox! He mentions that this ad targets a male audience.

“Clearly the game is being advertised towards males of all different ages, ethnicity, weight, and looks. The game is advertising that anyone can play, but they are still advertising to their largest market, which is the male population. Throughout the trailer there are many guns, attractive women, explosions, and a group of buddies that enjoy playing the game together.” (http://christianbebisblog.wordpress.com)

In my post I also talked about how video games mainly target a male demographic. I noticed that the main way video game ads do that is by adding sexual appeal. Megan Fox briefly appeared only to look hot and to get hit on by one of the guys.  An interesting new feature in Call of Duty Ghosts is that it is the first game in the series to have playable women soldiers. It would be cool if they showed this new feature in the trailer by having more action scenes that included girls instead of focusing on the four guys. Furthermore the trailer paints a picture that all male gamers care about are hot girls and explosions. While I do like hot girls and explosions they don’t represent everything that makes a video game fun.  As someone who enjoys playing video games I don’t like how these ads represent male gamers.


If you want to see the trailer here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNxh7umVOZ0

The next blog I want to talk about is from Alexandra. The advertisement she used is an ad for Herbal Essences. The ad shows you this amazing new shampoo and Leighton Meester’s unbelievably smooth hair. She talks about how celebrities endorse beauty products and how these ads target the insecurities women have.  

“Women should feel beautiful without having luscious hair, and this ad basically tells people that without this shampoo you cannot have beautiful hair…Women in our society today rely too much on our appearance and when they are shown this ad, they automatically think that it will make them more beautiful, and without it they feel unattractive.”(http://alexandradeyman.wordpress.com)

 I agree with her, the ad seems to be designed to make women feel inferior. Leighton Meester has touchably smooth locks and you don’t. The ad does a good job representing the ideals of its target audience. What girl doesn’t want to have silky smooth hair? I think this can be a really bad thing since it teaches girls that beauty is everything. As awesome as Leighton Meester is she isn’t perfect and I bet she has insecurities too. While there’s nothing wrong about wanting silky smooth hair it’s important for everyone to realize that nobody’s perfect. Our imperfections make us who we are and I think that’s what makes you beautiful. 😉


Fun Fact: A lot of people think of Leighton Meester as a brunette but she’s actually a natural blonde. She only dyed her hair brown to get the part of Blair Waldorf in the TV series Gossip Girl.

Lastly Sabrina’s blog  talks about commercials from Concerned Children’s Advertisers. She says that these ads warn kids about the dangers they encounter in everyday life.

“The most recent ad that has been put out by the CCA Canada is a girl who is being blocked from all the “media monkey” ads. Basically the clip is about you don’t need these media advisements telling you what to do/be. Be who you want to be.” (http://st13sw.wordpress.com)

It’s great that there are ads that warn kids about the dangers of the media. Especially since there are so many ads designed to exploit young minds. I think that their ads are really clever. They present situations that kids can relate to and send messages in fun and creative ways. I really enjoyed reading her entry mainly because I remember watching these ads as a kid. I never really liked them but rewatching them is just sort of nostalgic.

 Who remembers this?


Check Out These Awesome Blogs!

Christian: http://christianbebisblog.wordpress.com

Alexandra: http://alexandradeyman.wordpress.com

Sabrina: http://st13sw.wordpress.com





What the Hail?

The advertisement I wanted to use is from the super popular video game Grand Theft Auto 5 (aka GTA V). I would describe GTA V as an open world crime simulator. The fun of the Grand Theft Auto games comes from the huge open world. You can explore a fictional version of Los Angeles and do whatever you want.  You can go golfing, jet skiing, or you can commit horrible crimes.

The ad I want to talk about is a poster that was released in anticipation of the game. It shows a female police officer arresting a girl.


The first thing I noticed was the high sexual appeal. This comes from her loose shirt, tight shorts, and the fact that she is being handcuffed. Another interesting thing is that she is looking directly at the audience. It is almost as if she’s inviting us for fun and promiscuity. The highly sexual nature of the ad targets a male audience.

The text explains why sexuality works so well when targeting male gamers

“this communicative strategy works because competitiveness and a sexually predatory attitude is an accepted (though not necessarily acceptable) part of the dominant discourse of masculinity.” (O’Shaughnessy & Stadler, Media and Society, pg. 185)

When a guy sees this ad he assumes that by playing the game he has a position of power over women. The sexualized nature of this ad encourages gamers to go to strip clubs and pick up prostitutes during gameplay.

Another thing I noticed is how the ad invites the audience to challenge authority. Even though the girl is being arrested it doesn’t seem like she cares (she’s more concerned about looking slutty). This shows that the police don’t have power over her. Also it is possible that the reason for her arrest is that she stole the purple car in the poster (it is called Grand Theft Auto), thereby encouraging players to steal cars in the game.

Looking at this ad encourages you to disregard the rules laid out by society. From a young age we are taught by the media and society to respect authority and not to do certain things.

“We have used childhood in relation to readers to show how people from a young age are ideologically socialised…the point is that all media text, all forms of language and representation, carry ideological meanings” (O’Shaughnessy & Stadler, Media and Society, pg. 181)

Breaking the law can be really fun because we know we’re not supposed to do it. It can be fun to push the boundaries laid out by the media and society and see what we can get away with. The ad encourages the audience to challenge these rules and entices them with the thrill of stealing cars and fighting police officers.

The ad is very successful in both appealing to its target male audience and showing elements present in the game. GTA V was such a big deal that it earned 800 million in its first day of sales.


Fun Fact: Law Suits against the GTA franchise total over $1 billion dollars


O’Shaughnessy, M., Stadler, J. (2012). Media and Society, 5th ed.



Wanted: The media that we need

Is the media we want the same as the media we need?

There are positives and negative ways to using the media to interpret the world around us. The media can helps us understand social, political, cultural, and economic matters. However it can also give us a false representation of the world around us.

The first blog I want to discuss is Rachel’s (http://rd13aj.wordpress.com/). She talks about how through consuming media we involve ourselves in business and economic matters.

“This type of media relies on feedback and research on how populations respond to the media given to them…For example we had the I-pod and then it evolved to the I-pod Touch. The media showed us the I-pod and watched to see how we liked it, based off this example they found that people liked it but seemed to find that it was too small. From that small piece of feedback the I-pod Touch was born” (http://rd13aj.wordpress.com)

By consuming media we involve ourselves in the business process. Companies like Apple invest a lot of money in order to predict how their target audience will react to their new product. In order to make a better product these companies build off what the audience liked about their old products. In 1996 Apple computer actually made a video game system called the Apple Pippin.  At the time Apple didn’t really know anything about the video game market, this lead to the Apple Pippin’s failure. Nowadays Apple is really careful about launching new products and prioritizes fan feedback.


Fun Fact: Apple Software Engineer Andrew Carol re-constructed an ancient computer using only Legos!

The media can also be a horrible place to learn about the world. This is because it can construct false reality upon us. This idea can be seen in Skylar’s blog (http://skyr12.wordpress.com/).

“Every year one or two new crime and reality show comes out with the continuation of the old ones. Some people believe what they are watching are real situations, but what they don’t realize is the media puts twists on them and only shows things they want you to see, to influence the viewer’s emotions.” (http://skyr12.wordpress.com/)

Reading this quote made me think about the 1999 film The Matrix. I never actually watched the film but I know it takes place in a world were humans are tricked into perceiving an artificially constructed reality.  What it actually reminds me off is how my grade 12 English teacher used the film as an example to show how society lives in a false reality. The Matrix popularized a visual effect known as “bullet time”. Bullet time shows the audience the heightened perception of a character by slowing time around them. Anyways my English teacher said that when the Matrix came out everyone was copying the bullet time fight scenes. The point she wanted to make was that by imitating what we see in the media we start to interpret it is as our own reality.


Don’t do this…or you’ll live in a false reality 😦

Similarly Korrina (http://lookingformargo.wordpress.com/) talks about the dangers of perceiving the world through the media. She uses ideas from the text to better illustrate these ideas.

“The media-press, radio, television, cinema, and so on-have become the arenas through which people receive most of their entertainment and information about the world, so they are primary sources of how we see the world, “ (O’Shauhnessy & Stadler)

“The media can very easily control what we want in the way of consumerism. This being said, I believe that we want the media we get, but the media makes us think we get the media we want.” (http://lookingformargo.wordpress.com/)

The media is a big part of our lives, a lot of who we are has a connection to the way we consume media. Since it such a big part of our lives the media can show us a world that they want to us to see and not the world around us.

Check out these awesome blogs





Media and Society 5th edition



1F25 Blog Response 1: Media Impact on Others

How significant do your classmates believe the impact of the mass media is on their worldviews, and does this change your impression of the media’s impact on you?

The first entry I want to talk about is from Brittany (http://cpcframblings.blogspot.ca/). She wrote about the positive and negative effects of mass media.

Mass media can be a positive influence

“As as aspiring writer and poet, advertisements in the mass media about different websites and resources for writing have been extremely helpful.”  (http://cpcframblings.blogspot.ca/)

“Another writer and teacher friend of mine had an idea to start a website about different world issues. Once he finished working on the website, his whole idea took off.”  (http://cpcframblings.blogspot.ca/)

Or it can be a negative influence

“The mass media constantly feeds society unrealistic images of what we should be, what we should wear and how we should look.”

I agree that mass media can be good and bad. I think it’s really cool how mass media provides us with a resource of near unlimited possibilities or how social media makes it easy to send a message to a wide audience. While all this sounds great we have to remember that mass media can be a bad thing as well. When dealing with mass media we have to be cautious. By telling women AND men how think or act the media can have a negative influence on us.

Oh and Brittany if you ever read this which I doubt you will, send me a link to your teacher friend’s website 🙂

Speaking about being cautious Taradactyl err…Tara (http://taradactyl25.wordpress.com/) talks about how the media is everywhere and how it bombards us with different messages. Making it tough to distinguish what is true from what isn’t.

“It is almost impossible now to look at just one source and get the full information, due to the fact that there are so many untrustworthy sources.” (http://taradactyl25.wordpress.com/)

In my previous entry I wrote about the benefits of obtaining information from mass media. I said that mass media provides us multiple opinions thereby encouraging us to think. She however argues that sometimes mass media is not reliable. If the article does not cover the whole truth, whatever ideas and opinions generated from reading that article won’t have any true meaning. This parallels real life where you might not get the whole story from someone, so you have to ask multiple people and try to fit the pieces together.  While I still believe that mass media is a great source of information, reading her blog encourages me to further research anything I see on the internet.


Mass media presents us with a lot of jumbled up ideas and we have to piece them together

Lastly, Brent’s (http://bb11tl.wordpress.com/) entry was about how mass media can negatively influence and even change us. He talked about how tragic events presented in the media changed his once heroic ideals.

 “The once great world filled with heroes in my mind was changed into a world full of tragedy and evil which made me realize how ugly and disgusting the world truly is.” (http://bb11tl.wordpress.com/)

While I believe that media can have a negative influence, I want to say that there is a way to fight back.  Reading his article, I can’t help but think about Batman.  The essence of Batman contains both heroism and tragedy.  Batman’s world is full of tragedy but he fights for the last strand of good left in the world. Even if mass media tries us to tell us something we can still fight for our beliefs. We affect the media just as much as it affects us. In my first blog entry I wrote about how the public made Disney think twice about presenting young girls with an unrealistic representation of beauty. We as individuals have a voice in the way media is presented.


Fun Fact: Gotham City is said to be located somewhere in New Jersey

Check out these awesome blogs!







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